The Scottish American History Forum
The Scottish American History Forum is part of the Arts and Cultural Division of Chicago Scots. Events are open to everyone, and there is no admission charge.
The Scottish American History Forum convenes lectures, film series, presentations, seminars, book signings, group trips, and other gatherings to learn and experience Scottish American History, History of Scotland, and Scottish culture.
Currently, the Scottish American History Forum is engaged in collaborations with the National Trust for Scotland, the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland, the University of Stirling in Scotland, the University of Aberdeen in Scotland, Northwestern University, DePaul University, and other universities and colleges, to host lectures by important scholars and professors, such as Dr. Marjory Harper, Dr. Alastair J. Mann, Dr. James J. Smyth, Dr. Edward Muir, Dr. Euan Hague, Dr. David Hopes, Alistair McCullich and a host of other important officials, scholars and artists.
Monthly lectures and presentations occur on the second Saturdays at 10:00 am. Also, be sure to visit the Scottish American History Forum tent, at the annual Chicago Scots Scottish Festival and Highland Games; Friday and Saturday on Fathers Day weekend!
Check out the Chicago Scots events calendar for a complete list of upcoming events and detailed information.
Constance Nestor, History Forum Chair, Chicago Scots
Representative Lecturers and Speakers:
Wayne Rethford, President Emeritus, Chicago Scots*
Professor Edward Muir, PhD, History and Italian, Northwestern University
Professor Alastair J. Mann, PhD, History, University of Stirling, Scotland
Professor James J. Smyth, PhD, History, University of Stirling, Scotland
Professor Bruce Cummings, PhD, History, University of Chicago
Professor Marjory Harper, PhD, University of Aberdeen, Scotland
Bruce Alardice, JD, History, South Suburban College
Euan Hague, PhD, Director School of Public Service, DePaul University
David Hopes, PhD, Head of Collections and Interiors, The National Trust for Scotland
Allistair McCulloch, Royal Conservative of Scotland
Associate Professor Bruce Gleason, PhD, Music, University of St. Thomas
Iain Wright, PhD, Covenant Orthodox Presbyterian Church
Colin Ure, Lyric Opera
Associate Professor Gregory M. Gordon, History, College of Lake County
Dougal Hewitt, Executive Vice President, Mission and Outreach, Presence Health
David Hill, Friends of Sgarabhaigh, Scotland
Pauline Salaga, Executive Director, Society of Architectural Historians
Tim MacDonald, Musicologist
David K. Dastur, Architect, Jensen and Halstead
William McClane, USS
Dennis Johnson, MacKenzie Genealogist
Dan O’Brien, The Chicago Stock Yard Kilty Band